
Digital Skills in Africa: The Future is Here

For a long time, Sub-Saharan Africa has faced critical challenges for digital development, which include underdeveloped digital infrastructure, lack of accessible and affordable connectivity, digital gender gap, and limited digital skills.

However, in Africa today, the continent is currently witnessing a growing rate of digitally skilled individuals which has brought about the development of digital technologies advancing the region’s economic landscape and transforming the way people work, learn, and connect.

With the digital revolution sweeping across continents, Africa is not just an onlooker but has become an active participant in shaping its future. According to the World Bank, in the last decade, the continent has made substantial strides toward digital transformation, with hundreds of millions of people gaining access to the internet and productively utilizing a wide variety of digital services, such as mobile payments and online learning platforms.

Also, with the proliferation of mobile phones and internet access across the continent, digital skills have become indispensable for individuals in navigating the modern world. Africa is currently experiencing a digital revolution with digital technologies driving innovation and transforming industries across the continent.

From mobile banking and e-learning platforms to health and travel platforms, digital skills are at the forefront of this transformation. By fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, these digital skills have empowered several individuals on the continent to develop solutions that address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, bringing about sustainable development.

For instance, several individuals in Africa are leveraging digital skills to advance financial inclusion through financial technology solutions. They have built platforms like Paystack in Nigeria, M-Pesa in Kenya, and EcoCash in Zimbabwe, all of which enable users to send and receive money seamlessly, amongst other uses.

Notably, there is a growing demand for digital skills training in Africa, as more jobs will require them in the future. The IFC, a member of the World Bank Group predicted that in Sub-Saharan Africa, 230 million jobs will require digital skills by 2034. Therefore, several digital skills empowerment programs have emerged as a cornerstone of efforts to equip Africa's workforce with the capabilities needed to thrive in the digital age.

Governments, educational institutions, and private sector organizations are actively investing in initiatives aimed at enhancing digital literacy and fostering a culture of innovation. By providing training, mentorship, and access to digital tools, these programs empower individuals to harness the power of technology and contribute to economic growth and social development.

In addition to these trainings, digital skills development can be fostered through incubators and accelerators, which would provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the needed resources, training, and mentorship they need to start and grow successful businesses.

However, it is worth noting that despite the growing rate of digital skills across Africa, there is still a significant digital divide that exists on the continent, with a significant disparity between the urban and rural areas, in access to technology and digital literacy.

Bridging this divide requires concerted efforts from the government, relevant bodies, and stakeholders to provide digital skills training and ensure equitable access to technology and internet connectivity.

In a bid to bridge the digital divide in Africa, government-approved Educational technology platform GetBundi is positioned to significantly do this at scale.

The platform is designed to deliver high-quality, engaging, and accessible Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects for post-primary school education and Digital Skills Courses for youths across Africa. GetBundi's projection is to support and upskill ten million Africans in the next ten years through STEM and STI digital skills acquisition, a strategy it tagged as “The GetBundi Vision 2032”.

GetBundi understands that at the heart of Africa’s digital transformation lies the promise of digital skills. From coding, and data analytics to cyber security, acquiring these skills will empower individuals on the continent to thrive in the digital economy.

To truly harness the potential of digital skills, Africa must invest in its youth. Today, more than 60% of Africa’s population is under the age of 25. By 2034, young Africans are expected to constitute 42% of global youth. Such a high number of young people presents a great opportunity for the continent’s growth.



The future of digital skills in Africa holds immense promise, offering opportunities for individuals, communities, and economies to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Digital skills are driving innovation and development across economies of the world and Africa cannot afford to play catch up with the rest of the world, as it has become crucial for unlocking the continent’s potential and driving development.

Therefore, investing in digital skills education is crucial for empowering the next generation of the African population. By integrating digital literacy and skills training into formal education curricula and providing access to digital learning resources, it would equip young Africans with the tools they need to succeed in this digital age and as well develop the continent.